About Me

Me on a bike

A Multidisciplinary Approach

Currently, I am the Head of Engineering at Triplebar in Emeryville, CA where I work to build microfluidics-based tools and instrumentation that enable ultra-high throughput screening for scientists in the synthetic biology space.

In the past, I’ve worked on projects ranging from low-cost, point-of-care Covid-19 test devices to autonomous sample analysis tools for NASA (“ELM”).

My aim is to contribute to the development of tangible technologies that directly and measurably improve the world they inhabit, benefit people, and advance science. As such, I am a scientist, researcher, and engineer by education, training, and trade.

I also believe that this approach must be tempered by a deep respect for the unquantifiable, the UN-algorithmic, for that which cannot be codified, for literature, for music, for the humanities, for art. Towards this end, I also have a degree in English Literature.

Ultimately, I strive to be a well-rounded person, a multidisciplinarian. This synergistic approach allows me to find creative solutions that did not exist to new problems as they arise.

You can find a detailed and current description of my experience as well as a portfolio of my work by following the links below.